Professional Development Training

Learn to Better Serve People with Special Needs For Educators, Parents, and Institutions

Better Training, Better Outcomes

Individuals with special and diverse needs require unique educational experiences. Abramo Advising can help train staff, prepare families, and ensure your workplace, school, or educational department is up to speed on the latest techniques, strategies, and requirements to help your program's neurodivergence employees, managers, administrators, and students. 

A teacher outside the classroom, used with permission of LinkedIn Sales Team via Unsplash

Training Programs for Diverse Needs

Abramo Advising provides interactive workshops using adult learning principles with practical, solution-focused content. We create customized training programs designed to target the precise needs of your personnel. Curriculum is designed to ensure active learning, regular check-ins, and follow-ups. 

Programs for Your Needs and Your Budget

A typical engagement involves either one-day sessions or four-week cycles with a cohort of up to ten educators that combines an assessment, virtual webinar, on-site consultation, asynchronous consultations, and a virtual follow-up. Whether you choose a single-day engagement or a longer program, the material can be customized based on the needs of your school system.

Single-Day Engagements

The one-day and half-day courses offer the opportunity for single topic overviews with intimate settings. These programs typically cover topics like ADHD and executive function skills, overcoming classroom anxiety, and techniques for increasing engagement. Hyper-focused, these short sessions are built to have an immediate impact.

Single Day Engagement
Half-Day Session
3 hours
Introduction conversation, interactive presentation with participants, includes customized curriculum, and one-on-one followup by email.
Full-Day Session
6 hours
Introduction conversation, interactive presentation with participants, includes customized curriculum, and one-on-one followup by email.

4-Week Cycles

The 4-week cycle allows for a more expansive learning environment and individualized feedback. The consultation is designed to build capacity of school staff in best practices for strengthening executive functioning and study skills; plan and implement strategies to support the building of executive function skills; equip managers with the tools and knowledge to effectively support employees or students in an inclusive, least restrictive instructional setting, and leverage classroom and personnel resources to maximize individual productivity and achievement.

4 Week Cycle
Initial on-site Assessment
Full-day visit, 6 hours
Training Series for Teachers
120-minute in-person or virtual training
On-site Consultation
Observations and interviews, 6 hours
Follow-up  Coaching
Two, 60-minute sessions or one 120-minute session
Initial on-site Assessment
Full-day visit, 6 hours
4 Week Cycle Begins
Webinar Series for Teachers
120-minute virtual webinar with up to 10 participants per session
On-site Consultation
Observations and interviews, 6 hours
Follow-up Virtual Coaching
Two, 60-minute sessions or one 120-minute session

By combining in-person and virtual programming, Abramo Advising is able to improve the return on investment for institutions. We provide more contact directly with participants while maintaining cost efficient programming. 

Wherever and Whenever You Need Training

Abramo Advising is equipped to deliver fully remote training sessions, removing barriers like geography, and allowing Dr. Abramo to connect wherever your workplace, institution, school or district is located. Having served private clients in three countries and multiple time zones, Dr. Abramo understands how to meet the availability needs of clients across time and space. Hybrid training sessions with a combination of virtual and in-person sessions can provide flexible and budget-conscious solutions, and of course, fully in-person training programs are available as well.

Who We Can Help

Our program is designed for teachers, administrators, Child Study Teams, and anyone responsible for the care and education of people with ADHD, Dyslexia, neurodiverse and neurotypical conditions, executive function disorders, or other special needs:

A teacher working with a student, photo by Yan Krukau via Pexels
Workplace Training
  • Executives and C-Suite
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Managers
  • Professional Teams
  • First-time Job Applicants
Educational institutions
  • Teachers and Instructors
  • Child Study Teams
  • Administrators
  • Caregivers and Paraeducators
  • Parents and Parent Groups

Many of our educational training programs are eligible for state grants or can be used to fulfill continuing education requirements.

Course Offerings

The curriculum for each course is customized to ensure a bespoke experience to meet every client's unique needs. We can also build tailor-made courses based on individual needs.

Demystifying Neurodiversity

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Unlocking the Potential of the Neurodiverse Workforce

Individuals who are neurodivergent are creative, innovative, and hyper-focused, yet often struggle to complete daily tasks both in and out of the workplace. Approximately 30-40% of individuals who are neurodiverse find themselves unemployed. This session will explore research surrounding common conditions, including ADHD, autism, and dyslexia, to help legal administrators and managers understand how these differences impact an individual's ability to reach their maximum productivity in the workplace. Participants will learn ways to effectively recruit and retain the neurodiverse workforce, create systematic structures to move from compliance to relevance with workplace accommodations, and explore ways to ensure that your neurodiverse employees feel safe and included so that they can thrive in the workplace.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


ADHD and Executive Function Skills for the Workplace

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Executive Function Skills Can Improve Workplace Productivity

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders and can greatly impact workplace performance. Professionals with ADHD are creative, innovative, and hyper-focused, yet often struggle with organization, deadlines, and time management that can negatively impact productivity. 

This session will explore research surrounding the different types of ADHD to assist managers in understanding how ADHD impacts an employees ability to use their executive functions to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and stay organized. Participants will learn ways to provide structure and support that can help employees get things done and thrive in the workplace.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Universal Supports in the Workplace

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Proactive Strategies to Increase Engagement and Support Employee Success

During this session, participants will explore the principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and how it can be applied in the workplace to create universal support. UDL is based on scientific insights into how we as humans learn while emphasizing the brain networks that impact our learning the most. 

Participants will explore the learning guides that spell out the core components of UDL to provide concrete suggestions that can be applied to employees in the workplace. Participants will gain knowledge on how to use the UDL model to enable differentiation and provide each the right level of support to succeed.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


504 Accommodations and Compliance

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How to provide support for employees with neurodivergence

Discriminating against job applicants and employees for protected disabilities is illegal, and protecting your workplace begins by developing an accommodation plan. Individuals with ADHD, Autism, and other neurodivergent conditions have recognized disabilities, but often simple changes can both protect employers from accusations of discrimination and improve an employee's productivity and workplace satisfaction. 

Participants will learn about the different needs neurodivergent employees may have, explore a variety of ways to provide accommodations to employees with neurodivergence, and how best to implement positive changes in the workplace. 

The course draws on real-world examples, offers specific ways of supporting team members, and can be customized to address the unique needs of your workplace and workforce. 

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Demystifying ADHD

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People with ADHD are creative, innovative, and hyper-focused, yet often struggle to complete daily tasks both in and out of school. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (formally known as ADD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders we see in our students and it can greatly impact how they perform in and out of school.

This session will explore research surrounding the three types of ADHD, to assist educators and parents in understanding how ADHD impacts a student’s ability to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and stay organized. Participants will learn ways to provide structure and support that can help students get things done and thrive in school and life.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Navigating Your AccessABILITY

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Learn About Protections, Entitlements, and How to Ask for Support

Students who are neurodivergent are entitled to additional support to assist in their success. Parents may not find navigating the bureaucracy easy. The first step is understanding what rights every student has, including protections from discrimination, the right to a Section 504 evaluation, and individualized education programs, also known as an IEP. Participants in this course learn how to ask the right questions to receive the support they need, how to work with school administrations cooperatively, and how parents can ensure success for their child by leveraging existing programs. 

These sessions can be adapted for any age group from elementary school through college. While this program is typically designed to help parents navigate the system for their children, it can also be offered with a focus on education professionals like teachers so they can understand the expectations parents will have for students.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Inclusion: Shifting from Equality vs. Equity

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Taking a deeper look at inclusion

This workshop aims to dive deeper into best practices for inclusion. The session will explore the shift from equality to equity and consider the barriers that may exist for students. We will also use the framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to evaluate the ‘why’, ‘what,’ and ‘how’ of learning that supports students in being motivated, knowledgeable, and goal-oriented. Participants will learn strategies to improve and optimize teaching and learning that enable equity and access for all students.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Universal Design for Learning for the Classroom

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Proactive Strategies to Increase Engagement and Support Student Success for All

During this session, participants will explore the principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. UDL is based on scientific insights into how we as humans learn while emphasizing the brain networks that impact our learning the most. Participants will explore the learning guides that spell out the core components of UDL to provide concrete suggestions that can be applied to any student population and content area. Participants will gain knowledge on how to use the UDL model to enable differentiation and provide each student with the right level of support to succeed.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Unlocking Student Potential

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Teaching Self-Regulation While Maintaining High Expectations for All

During this workshop, participants will explore effective classroom management that is based on setting and communicating high expectations, consistently nurturing positive relationships, and providing a high level of student support. Participants will evaluate how expectations for classroom conduct and social interaction are learned through the use of proven principles of behavior and effective classroom instruction. By bridging the gap between research and practice, participants will explore how students’ self-regulation assists in learning, and how self-regulatory skills can be taught. Additionally, participants will reflect on how the concepts of 'growth mindset' and maintaining high expectations for students affect students' opportunities to learn, their motivation, and their learning outcomes.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


IEPs 101

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Are you looking to expand your knowledge and toolkit for your students with IEPs? This session will review the different parts of an IEP, the various professionals involved, and the basics of the laws that govern special education. Additional information will be presented on IEP writing, including developing a student’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement (PLAAFP), and how to use this information to create goals and objectives. This workshop applies to those working in general and special education.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Modifying Curriculum

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During the session, participants will explore strategies to enable exposure and access to the general education curriculum for all students. Participants will identify how to modify the curriculum while providing opportunities to access standards and follow the curricular scope and sequence. We will investigate the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to promote engagement and success for all students.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Managing Challenging Behavior

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This workshop aims to help individuals who are working with or caring for students who exhibit challenging behaviors by bridging the gap between research and practice. Participants will be exposed to the basic facts about challenging behavior and strategies to prevent and address it effectively to improve academic engagement and reduce challenging behavior.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Brain Hacks!

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Sharpening Executive Function Skills in the Classroom

Are your students or children experiencing difficulties starting and completing tasks, sustaining attention for an extended period, or needing to be more organized? They may need some tools to sharpen their executive function skills. Executive functioning impacts student behavior, organization, attention, and retention of information. In this session, individuals will learn how simple strategies can support students in sharpening their executive functioning skills. Participants will be introduced to current research on brain-based learning and its implications for classroom and home practices. The presentation will also include a variety of digital resources to promote the skills that students need for continued success.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Overcoming Anxiety in the Classroom

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Anxiety impacts many students at different times of the day and in some cases may have a significant impact on their academic success. Students who face anxiety in school may experience difficulty in managing challenging behavior, processing and retrieving information, completing homework consistently, participating in class, and high absenteeism rates. In this session, participants will explore factors contributing to classroom anxiety and simple tools to support growth using a whole-child approach.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


ADHD and Executive Function Skills

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders we see in students and it can greatly impact how they perform in and out of school. Students with ADHD are creative, innovative, and hyper-focused, yet often struggle to complete daily tasks both in and out of school because of their developmental impairment of executive functions (EFs), the self-management system of the brain. This session will explore research surrounding the different types of ADHD to assist educators in understanding how ADHD impacts a student’s ability to use their executive functions to pay attention, control impulsive behaviors, and stay organized. Participants will learn ways to provide structure and support that can help students get things done and thrive in school and life.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


The MTSS Umbrella

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During this session, participants will explore the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) model, how to implement interventions, and monitor student progress. We will analyze the core components of MTSS based on the three-tier prevention model of Response to Intervention (RTI) and principles of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS).

Participants will gain knowledge on how to use the MTSS model to enable differentiation and provide each student with the right level of support to succeed.

Available As:

Coaching Cycle

Designed for:


Request a Proposal

Are you ready to begin improving your student outcomes? Tell us what your needs, and we can build a custom curriculum for your administrators, instructors, teachers, aids, or even parents.

Send us a message using the form below or reach out by email at:

Are you ready to begin improving your student outcomes? Tell us what your needs, and we can build a custom curriculum for your administrators, instructors, teachers, aids, or even parents.

Send us a message using the form below or reach out by email at:

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