Book Recommendations

For understanding Executive Function Disorder and ADHD

Brain Hacks: Life-Changing Strategies to Improve Executive Functioning

Lara Honos-Webb PhD

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb is a clinical psychologist and draws on her experience to explain executive functioning skills and solutions. She explores five core areas, provides self-assessments to help readers understand their own weaknesses, and strategies for overcoming executive function disorder. The book has exercises to strengthen skills and apply them to everyday situations. The goal is for readers to begin controlling their brain, rather than controlled by their brain.

More Recommened Books

Focus and Thrive: Executive Functioning Strategies for Teens

Laurie Chaikind McNulty LCSW-C

Targeting teenagers from 13 to 17 who struggle with executive function, Focus and Thrive is designed to help students grow their executive function skill set. Laurie Chaikind McNulty goes into the importance of daily routines, making plans, and managing time as key for staying focused. She offers life hacks for practical problems and strategies for a variety of situations teenagers with executive function disorder may have trouble with.

What to Do When Good Enough Isn't Good Enough: The Real Deal on Perfectionism

Thomas S. Greenspon

The book is written for children in the 9 to 13 age range to help them understand how perfectionism impacts their ability to perform basic tasks. They may not even know they are suffering from the problem of perfectionism. In addition to explaining the problem through vignettes, the book includes exercises to help students relearn new ways of performing tasks and information for adults.